If you or a loved one is in need of therapy or counseling, Allegheny Psychological & Counseling Services can help. We have extensive experience in treating the following:

Addictive Disorders

Depressed man — Mental Health Condition Treatment in Pittsburgh, PA
Addictive disorders have primarily been viewed as the excessive use of alcohol and drugs. Inaddition, there are other behavioral patterns that can potentially lead to addiction. These includegambling, compulsive shopping, excessive internet use, etc. A major component of addiction isthat it “takes over” the individual; although others often see the damage caused by the disorder,there is a “denial” that prevents the individual from seeing what others see.


Worried man, hands on forehead — Mental Health Condition Treatment in Pittsburgh, PA
Anxiety occurs in different circumstances, and to different degrees. You may experience excessive nervousness, concern, apprehension, or worry about several events or issues, and have trouble controlling these feelings. Here is a list of some of the typical symptoms:

  • Fear of impending doom / the “worst” will happen
  • Feeling more irritable
  • Feeling restless, edgy, keyed up
  • Increased muscle tension
  • Overly terrified or afraid
  • Trouble concentrating or focusing
  • Unable to relax
If someone develops a severe fear or sense of discomfort that peaks within about 10 minutes, and also experiences some of the following, the situation is likely to be a panic attack:

  • Chest pain or other chest discomfort
  • Chills or hot flashes
  • Choking sensation
  • Dizzy, lightheaded, faint or unsteady
  • Fear of dying
  • Fears of loss of control or becoming insane
  • Heart pounds, races or skips beats
  • Nausea or other abdominal discomfort
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Sweating
  • Shortness of breath or smothering sensation
  • Trembling
If these symptoms are present, you may want to discuss it with a therapist, or your medical professional.


Afraid frightened woman peeking through her fingers — Mental Health Condition Treatment in Pittsburgh, PA
The term codependency has been around for decades. Although it originally applied to spouses of alcoholics (first called co-alcoholics), researchers learned that the characteristics of codependence were much more prevalent in the general population than had previously imagined. If you were raised in a chronically dysfunctional family or had an ill parent, one is at increased risk of developing codependent behaviors.

Symptoms of Codependency

The following are aspects of codependency:
  • Difficulty in recognizing relationship patters
  • Dysfunctional communication.
  • Excessive or inappropriate Caretaking.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Overly focused on the other.
  • Painful emotions.
  • People-pleasing.
  • Poor boundaries.
  • Problems with intimacy.


Depressed man leaning his head against a wall — Mental Health Condition Treatment in Pittsburgh, PA
Depression is a disturbance in mood that often consists of varying degrees of sadness, disappointment, loneliness, hopelessness, self-doubt, and guilt. These feelings can be quite intense and may persist over long periods of time. Daily activities may become more difficult, but the individual may still be able to cope with them. You may be experiencing some of these symptoms:

  • Changes in eating patterns.
  • Changes in sleep patterns.
  • Feeling overly pessimistic.
  • Feelings of worthlessness.
  • Hopelessness or suicidal thoughts.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Increased sense of sadness.
  • Intimacy issues.
  • Loss of energy.
  • Loss of pleasure in everyday activities.
  • Overly self-critical.
  • Problems concentrating or making decisions.

Stress Management

Feeling exhausted — Mental Health Condition Treatment in Pittsburgh, PA
Every day stressful situations may increase and become magnified until they begin to cause problems like sleep disturbance, moodiness, irritability, lack of concentration and can negatively impact relationships. If left untreated, physical symptoms may develop, and worsen the situation. We treat chronic and acute stress utilizing different therapeutic approaches, and encourage the use of outside resources which can complement treatment.

Grief & Loss

Sad wife missing her husband on the bed — Mental Health Condition Treatment in Pittsburgh, PA
It is normal to experience grief feelings when a loved one has passed away, or when an individual has experienced a loss, such as the breakup of a relationship, job loss, or significant health problem. Aspects of grief & loss include:

  • Abnormal sleep patterns
  • Changes in appetite
  • Difficulties with concentration and focus
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Feelings of sadness
  • Increased or inappropriate anger
  • Lack of motivation
  • Listlessness

It is common to experience some or all of these reactions to loss. Therapy can be very helpful when grief interferes with normal activities.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post traumatic stress disorder — Mental Health Condition Treatment in Pittsburgh, PA
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event such as a serious accident, a terrorist act, war/combat, a natural disaster, fire/flooding, rape or another violent personal assault.

People with PTSD often continue to have intense, intrusive and disturbing thoughts and feelings related to their experience. These can last long after the traumatic event has occurred. The individual may relive the event through nightmares or flashbacks, have feelings of sadness, fear or anger. They may also feel detached from other people, and frequently have negative thoughts or feelings about themselves. People with PTSD may avoid situations or people that remind them of the traumatic event.

For people with PTSD the symptoms cause significant distress or problems functioning. Not everyone experiences these symptoms to the same degree or for the same length of time; therapy may still be recommended for this Acute Stress Reaction.

Work-Related Issues

Angry boss — Mental Health Condition Treatment in Pittsburgh, PA
Sometimes work causes difficulties that can affect other aspects of your life. Some specific causes of stress can include a lack of control over the work environment, being bombarded by technology, lack of resources, workplace changes, problematic co-workers, downsizing, and inadequate working conditions.

Self Esteem

Sad girl sitting and thinking in the classroom — Mental Health Condition Treatment in Pittsburgh, PA
Many people grow up believing themselves to be unworthy or inadequate. If left untreated, these self-perceptions can affect marriages, relationships, parenthood, careers, etc. Self-esteem issues are often a significant component of other behavioral health concerns, such as other conditions mentioned in this website. If this describes you, therapy can be beneficial.
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